The rules for shark squishmallow are simple

· 1 min read
The rules for shark squishmallow are simple

I would like to introduce you to the newest trend in the world - shark squishmallow. It's a game where players are challenged with catching as many sharks as possible, while avoiding the squishmallow.

The game is played on a large table, with a big mat and smaller squares. There are different shapes of sharks and squishmallows that are placed on the mat. Players take turns throwing their dice to move around on the mat. The goal of the game is to catch all of one type of animal before your opponents do.

The rules for shark squishmallow are simple:

1) Throw your dice;

2) Move your player piece according to what you rolled;

3) If you land on a square with an animal, pick up

The shark squishmallow is a type of fish that is known for its ability to eat other fish.

The  shark squishmallow , or the Squishmallows, are a type of fish that are known for their ability to eat other fish. They can be found in the ocean and some lakes.

In this section, we will talk about how the shark squishmallow came to be.

The shark squishmallow is a fictional dessert that was created by the company Sharky's Squishmallows. This dessert has a marshmallow center, covered with chocolate and topped with gummy shark teeth.